Online-Shops der Kategorie Optiker entdecken

1 Ergebnis für Ihre Suche nach „Rosen
für Rosen

235 Bewertungen
mit Käuferschutz
Due to the daily contact with clients and the constant handling of glasses, we realized that there was no product on the market that cleaned and maintained glasses to our satisfaction. EYESHAKER is the solution! A product that should not be missed in any household nor working place. Finally, it is possible to clean our beloved glasses as we want to. From now on, the frame and the lenses are free of dirt and persistently groomed. So good bye to scruffy nose pads, blurred and scratched lenses, sticky frames and silicon components doomed to dissolve - there is no excuse anymore! It's everything you need for the happiness of your glasses! Suitable for almost all kinds of sunshades, eyeglasses, reading spectacles and sports glasses.

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