
33 Bewertungen in den letzten 12 Monaten71 Bewertungen insgesamt  

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Relevanteste positive Bewertung

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The product (HWDnc22 - ordered w/out the 2 metal bars) is extremely well done - shape, cut and glue. I'd imagine it'll last for 5+ years like my previously owned rubber corsetry from HW Design that retired after 9+ years. However, I'd advice anyone to order HWDNC22 w/ metal bars (i.e., the default product, or perhaps pick HWDNC01 or HWDNC08 if you don't want bars), because the bottom front wedge can sometimes "flip out" when the corset is fully tied (mostly when looking down or moving your neck forward, and I'd imagine it's a side-effect of custom ordering, i.e., lacking the default 2 bars, and not "bad design" per se). I solve it by untying the bottom of the corset, which is very comfortable and spreads out the neck corset a bit more over your shoulders. However, tying the corset all the way down is also pleasantly constricting, and you can avoid the issue by keeping your neck straight (which is the whole point of the corset anyways). I've always been a fan of HW Design rubber corsetry, whether neck or body. This is yet another solid design, minus the slight issue. I had to wait a little extra due to ordering custom color (trans. green, possibly some due to issues with their supplier), but I'll just keep that in mind for future orders.

Relevanteste negative Bewertung

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1 The mask I ordered was too small, sizeS instead of M. I suspect that they sent what they had in stock. We tried to fix this, but at the end the shop didn't responded to my emails. 2 Response: Yes you are right, it's not economically fezable to pay 300 euro for a mask and to get a junk. If you would have care about customers, you would contact your post office and would try to find the package.
Digital Trust ist unsere Mission. So funktionieren Bewertungen bei Trusted Shops.

Bewertungen für hwdesignshop.com

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The mask I ordered was too small

1 The mask I ordered was too small, sizeS instead of M. I suspect that they sent what they had in stock. We tried to fix this, but at the end the shop didn't responded to my emails. 2 Response: Yes you are right, it's not economically fezable to pay 300 euro for a mask and to get a junk. If you would have care about customers, you would contact your post office and would try to find the package.
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